Plug Your Book!


Book review. # Review a book related to your field. It can be a new book or a classic that newcomers haven't heard of.

Product reviews. # The word "review" is a popular search term. Give your frank opinion, and encourage your readers to chime in with their own views.

Lists. # Write about the "Top 5 Ways" to do a task, or the "Top 10 Reasons" for such-and-such. Readers love lists. If someone else publishes a list, you can summarize it or critique it on your own blog.

Interviews. # Chat with someone in your field. Provide a text summary on your blog. You can also add a transcript or even an audio file.

Case studies. # Report on how so-and-so does such-and-such. You don't have to call it a "case study," just tell the story.

Profiles.# Profiles focus on a particular person, a personality. The person profiled can be someone well known in your field, or perhaps a newcomer nobody's heard of.

Most blogs are conversational and informal, but that doesn't give authors a license to be sloppy. Readers expect clear writing from an author, and that requires attention to detail--not to mention beginning your sentences with capital letters and ending them with periods. It's worth proofreading and spell-checking your posts before publishing. Keeping your paragraphs short will minimize your rewriting chores.

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