Plug Your Book!

Unknown produces slick, relatively expensive trailers using animation, narration and background music. The clips can be hosted on the author's blog or Web site, or e-mailed to newsletter subscribers. As part of its service, can forward trailers to literary bloggers who often post the video on their blogs.

Successful trailers are an example of viral marketing _ because of the huge exposure gained through Web links and e-mails. Thanks largely to e-mail forwarding, a trailer for the humor book _Yiddish with Dick and Jane was seen by 1 million people during its first week, helping to sell 150,000 copies of the book. You can view the video at:

The videos usually last a few minutes, using Flash animation, providing a razor-sharp picture. You can view company founder Liz Dubelman's own explanation of how she started producing book trailers at:

VidLit also has a more modest product called the Naked Author Series. A four-minute question-and-answer session is recorded by telephone with the author, who receives a disposable camera with 48 exposures. Whatever snapshots the author takes--their book, their goldfish, a potted plant--are woven into the trailer.

Trailers for fiction books sometimes resemble movie previews. The video for _ Shadow Man_, a thriller about a female FBI agent, has no dialogue at all, just images of a police raid, a distraught woman holding her child, and a suspicious-looking man hiding in the background. You can view this video and other award-winners at: bookstandard/#


Skeptics point out that slick videos can confuse viewers, who might assume they're watching a movie clip instead of a book promotion. And there's the expense--firms like VidLit charge $10,000 for production of a single video, making it beyond the reach of most first-time or niche authors. However, for books with a marketing budget, a trailer can cost far less than an advertisement in a trade publication, while delivering more eyeballs.

Other trailer producers include, #, and, a producer of short documentaries on books used in schools.

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