Plug Your Book!


Podcasting for publicity#

A podcast is an audio file hosted on the Web, available to listeners anytime. Audio recordings you may already have--such as interviews or book-readings--can be repurposed as a podcast, providing Internet users with yet another way to discover you and your book.

Some podcasts are a recurring feature, sometimes called a podiobook. Perhaps you'll decide to provide your audio content for free to help generate word of mouth for your book. Some authors create value-added podcasts and charge subscription fees.

Readers can listen to your podcasts on their PCs, or download them to a portable music player such as an iPod. The word _ podcast _is a combination of the word iPod and broadcasting, but no iPod is required--anyone with speakers on their computer can listen.

Just like blog-reading provides insights for building your own blog, listening to podcasts will inspire ideas for producing your own audio content. Here are some directories where you can sample what's available:

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