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Top Reviewers have a special badge accompanying their pen names, such as _ Top 1000 Reviewer, Top 500 Reviewer_, Top 50 Reviewer, _ Top 10 Reviewer_ or 1 Reviewer. Having one of these badges displayed among your book's reviews isn't the same thing as an endorsement by Amazon--it's better. It's a vote by a recognized community leader--someone who takes reviewing seriously, and has earned a reputation for helpfulness.

Rankings of the Top Reviewers are determined by a point system based on the number of reviews written and the number of positive votes those reviews receive when people click #Yes# in response to "Was this review helpful to you?"

Top Reviewers are regular Amazon customers who simply enjoy reading and critiquing lots of books. Many of them review several books per week--sometimes at the invitation of an author or publisher, but usually by just following their personal interests. Despite receiving no payment for their efforts, Amazon Top Reviewers compete furiously to climb the rankings ladder. The longtime No. 1 reviewer, Harriet Klausner, has posted more than 12,000 reviews and, not surprisingly, says she's a speed-reader. It's not unusual for Klausner to post 10 or more reviews in a single day.

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