Plug Your Book!


As an author, here's how Amazon recommendations work for you: Let's imagine you've written the book How to Grow Organic Strawberries. It turns out that one of every five Amazon customers who buys your book also purchased an earlier book, Healthy Eating With Organic Fruit. Realizing this, Amazon starts recommending your book to customers who bought the earlier book but haven't yet bought yours. Why? Amazon knows the odds are good that once these readers discover your book they'll buy it, too, and Amazon makes another sale.

Buyers see book recommendations in several places:

On Amazon's home page, where it says, #Hello, [NAME], we have recommendations for you. # Click here to view all your book recommendations.

In e-mails titled Recommends# ... and #New for You#, periodically sent to Amazon customers.

In the #Gold Box# treasure chest icon at the top right of Amazon's home page. Clicking the box reveals special offers on books and other merchandise on your recommended list.

In a book's #Also-Bought# list. Every book's detail page on Amazon includes a list with the headline #Customers who bought this item also bought#. The Also-Bought list shows the five other books bought most frequently by customers who also purchased the displayed book.

An extended Also-Bought list that includes many more titles is accessible from each book's detail page at the link Explore similar items. Buyers can view the same list during the checkout process by viewing #Customers who bought [Title] also bought...#

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