Plug Your Book!




Taking control of your book sales

One big caveat

How to use this book

Staying current

#Electric word of mouth#

Riding the big river

Amazon's 'long tail'

Getting recommended

Personalized bookstores

The wisdom of crowds

Bubbling to the top

Recommendation effectiveness

#Amazon Bestseller Campaigns#

Making the list

How Bestseller Campaigns work

... and this is success?

Haywired recommendations

Is it worth it?

#Amateur book reviews#

Credibility through peers

Getting more Amazon reviews

Amazon Top Reviewers

Contacting Top Reviewers

Etiquette in approaching reviewers

Finding more Amazon reviewers

More ways to get reviews

Amazon Spotlight Reviews

Negative reviews

Countering malicious reviews

Old-media book reviews

Posting trade reviews on Amazon

Fee-based book reviews

#Building your author Web site#

Getting involved

Your domain

Building blocks of your site

A survey of author Web sites

Your online press kit

Multimedia for books

Podcasting for publicity

Waiting for results

When to launch your site

#Blogging for authors#

What is a blog?

Why blogs are better

Breathing the blogosphere

Connecting with readers

Blog comments: pros and cons

Blog style

Your blog's angle

Raw materials for posts

Your blog's title

Writing your blog posts

Blogging categories

Over the long haul

Selecting your blog publishing tool

Advertising-supported blogs

Blog-to-e-mail service

#Author blog platforms up close#




Arts and crafts






Blogs into books

#Blog tours#

Targeting host blogs

Google PageRank

Building your excerpt

Excerpts that sell

Your pitch to bloggers

Your guest appearance

Blog conversation

Archiving your results

Encore appearances

More resources

#Social networking#

MySpace: Not just for kids

Making friends on MySpace

Picking your 'Top 8'

Tips for working MySpace

Your MySpace blog

MySpace groups

Create your own group

Dedicated pages for titles, characters

MySpace books?

Uploading videos

MySpace best practices

Other places on MySpace

More social-networking sites

#Tag � You're it!#

Personal book tagging

Amazon tags

Amazon Media Library


Tag-based marketing

Problems with tags

#Advanced Amazon tools#

Buy X, Get Y

Weaknesses of BXGY

Free paired placement

Single New Product e-mails

Amazon Connect


Publicize your book

So You'd Like to . . . guides

Search Inside the Book

Statistically Improbable Phrases

Writing book reviews

ProductWikis (Amapedia)

Customer discussions


Your Amazon profile

Amazon friends

Interesting people

Fine-tuning book recommendations

Pricing and discounting strategies

#Social search#

Smart crowds

Vertical search

Amazon Search Suggestions


#Google, Amazon, digital content#

Google Book Search

Accidental book discovery

Instant Online Access

Ad-Supported Access

Google Print on Demand

Amazon Upgrade

Amazon's Mobipocket

Amazon digital audio

Amazon Pages

#Book promotion with e-books#

Amazon Shorts

Client acquisition

Selling e-books on your site

#Syndicating your content#

Article banks

How duplicate content backfires

Really Simple Syndication


Traditional media interviews

Press releases

Protecting your content

#Beyond the blogosphere#


Usenet, Google groups

Yahoo, AOL Groups

Getting buzz on eBay

#Revenue from your Web site#

Amazon Associates program

Barnes & Noble



Google AdSense, other advertising

#Pay-per-click advertising#

Google AdWords

Yahoo Search Marketing

#Power tools#

Amazon Sales Rank


Affiliate partnerships

Analyzing your traffic

Linking strategy

Search engine optimization

Keyword density

Length of your lease

Publishers Portal

Privacy policies

Web site cardinal sins

#Selling on Amazon, beyond#

Print on demand

Amazon Advantage

Amazon Marketplace

Catalog accuracy

Handling sales on your site

Google Checkout

#Other major online retailers#

Barnes & Noble


#Ethics of online marketing#

Shill reviews


#Recommended reading#

Table of contents

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