Hideaway Hospital Murders


Chapter 1_2_

Wednesday was Greg’s assigned hospital visitation day. The pastor took care of it on other days of the week, as needed. Greg would spend time visiting church members who were patients, and sit with the family of those having surgery. But first, there was time for breakfast at Jane’s Diner.

“The usual?” Jane poured him a cup of coffee.


“By the way, how’s it going with your girlfriend?”

It seemed like Jane asked that question every day.

“Couldn’t be better. She’s absolutely wonderful. And I’m so in love with her.”

Jane smiled. “Have you told her?”

“Yes. I told her last night.” He beamed with pride.

“Well, all I’ve got to say is: what took you so long?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve known you were in love with her for months. Practically the whole town has.”

“But how could everybody else know before I knew.”

“You knew.”


“Yes, you did, Greg. You had feelings for that gorgeous redhead on the very first day you met her.”

“No, that’s not true. Besides, she was married then.”

“So? You can still love somebody, even though you know you can’t act on it or tell them.”

Was Jane right? Had he been in love with Cynthia all along? Before he could come back with a zinger of his own, Jane had turned to walk away. Did Jane learn this wisdom through personal experience? He wondered who the man could be.

As Greg picked up his newspaper and began to read, Jane watched him from behind the counter. He could be so clueless sometimes, she thought. But in all fairness, why should he suspect? After all, Jane was 59 years old. But it had been a lonely life since her husband had died four years ago. Only her customers kept her going. Particularly the one she was currently admiring.

Greg was still reading the sports section when Jane delivered his scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, and buttermilk pancakes. “So, you’re on your way to the hospital?”

“Yeah.” He lowered his voice. “And I hate it.”


“I’m just no good at it. I never know what to say. The person is lying there dying and I’m supposed to comfort them somehow. Today one of our men is having surgery. But at least it’s only back surgery. He’s not likely to die on the operating table. Those aren’t too bad. It’s the heart surgeries and the terminal patients that get to you.”

“But you’re so empathetic, Greg. I’d just tell people to shut up and get a life. Or at least make the best of whatever time they’ve got left.”



“Carsie, how are you holding up?”

“Hi, Grandma. I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. How could you be? Your wedding got called off. I’m sorry, Honey.”

“But I’m okay. Elmo just needs some time to find the best kind of medicine for his mother. Then we’ll reschedule the wedding. It’ll all work out soon.”

“Well, I hope so. But in the meantime, I want you to come stay with me for a few days.”

“Thanks, Grandma, but I need to stay here and support Elmo.”

“But Carnie tells me he’s spending every waking hour in his study. And that he’s totally ignoring you.”

“No, he’s not ignoring me—he’s just busy doing research. And that’s good. Because the sooner he decides how to treat Mallie Mae’s condition, the sooner we can get married.”

“I understand. But I really miss you, Sweetie. And since your sister moved out, I get so lonely.”

“I’m sorry, Grandma, but you know you’re gonna have to get used to that.”

“But just think, Dear—being here with me would make the time go by faster for you.”

“I guess so.”

“You know it would. And I’ll even make a batch of my cherry divinity.”

“Now you’re bribing me.”

“Well, is it working?”

“I’ll talk to Elmo.”

“Great. I’ll make meatloaf and yams for dinner.”

Her grandmother could be so pushy. And she nearly always got her way. But maybe she was right. A few days with Grandma Sylvia might do her good.

She found Elmo in his study, glued to his computer.


Elmo didn’t even look up at her. “Yes?”

“Grandma wants me to drive up to Jefferson and spend a few days with her.”

“That’s good.”

“So, you don’t mind if I go?”


“Elmo! Are you even listening to me?”

He stopped reading and looked up at her.

“I’m sorry, Baby. What were you saying?”

“Grandma wants me to go stay with her for a few days.”

“Well, that’s fine. You should go. At least I wouldn’t feel so guilty about ignoring you.”

“Yeah. You’ve dealing with enough guilt already. I don’t want to add to it.”

“Then go to your grandmother’s house. Stay a few days. Maybe it’ll make us both feel better.”


Elmo stood and took Carsie in his arms. “I love you, Baby. You know that.”

“I love you too.”

After a quick kiss, Carsie went to her bedroom to back a bag.


On his way to the hospital, Greg called Cynthia’s cell phone.


“Who do you love, Baby? said Greg.

There was a slight pause before Cynthia responded.

Had it all been dream? Had she changed her mind? Was she wishing she had not told him she loved him? How many doubts can the human mind conjure in a mere second?

“I’ll give you a call about it a little later.”

Why was she being so cold to him? Then it hit him. “Are you in a meeting?”

“That’s correct.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Yeah, call me later.”

Greg parked his car and walked into the hospital, to the surgery waiting room. He recognized the wife, sitting with another woman and a young boy.

“How long has he been in surgery?” said Greg.

“Just a few minutes,” said the wife.

She introduced Greg to her sister and nephew.

“How did Jeff hurt his back?” said Greg.

“He was carrying a big bag of cement. I told him he needed help, but he just wouldn’t listen.”

“They never do,” said the sister.

Greg had already run out of things to say. So, he picked up a magazine and began to read as the two women chatted.

“Jacob’s nose is running,” said the wife.

“Jacob, come here, Honey,” said the sister to her son.

She pulled a tissue out of her purse and wiped his nose.

“You think he’s getting a cold?” said the wife.

“Could be. He’s got a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.”

“That’s good.”

“But when I called they said Dr. Elmo has taken a leave of absence. So we’ll have to see some new doctor.”

“Wonder why Elmo’s taking a leave?”

“Hope it’s not AIDS,” said the sister.

That statement jolted Greg from his magazine article. And he noticed that the nurse standing in the Nurses Station perked up too.

“What? Why would you think that?” said the wife.

“Well, he’s in his 50s and he’s never been married…”

“But I heard he was getting married,” said the wife.

“He backed out.”

“No. Really?”

Greg butted in. “Actually, he postponed the wedding.”

“Yeah. Indefinitely, I’ll bet,” said the sister.

The wife looked at Greg. “Do you know why he postponed it?”

“He just found out that his mother has Alzheimer’s disease.”

“That awful,” said the wife. “My aunt had that. And there wasn’t anything the doctor could do for her. All we could do was watch her go downhill until she finally died. She suffered with it for years.”

Greg noticed that the nurse seemed to be straining to hear the conversation. But when she saw Greg looking at her, she quickly went back to work at the computer. He got up and walked over to her. Her name badge identified her as Mary Magdely.

Greg spoke to her in a confidential manner that could not be heard by the wife and sister. “Do you know the Mobleys, Mrs. Magdely?”

She didn’t look up from the computer. “Uh…yes. Sort of.”

“Well, I just want to apologize. I don’t usually participate in gossip. But I had to speak up and set the record straight.”

Greg figured her to be about 60. She was attractive, and looked very professional.

“I understand. Don’t worry about it.”

She had kind eyes, and a caring face. Just what you’d want from a nurse, thought Greg. But there was something else in her facial expression.

Something she wasn’t saying.

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