Agent to the Stars


Chapter 22

Legal Notes: This work is copyrighted by John Scalzi. The novel is freely given and may be freely distributed on a non-commercial basis, in whatever electronic format you please, as long as the work remains intact and unaltered and is attributed to me, John Scalzi. All other rights are reserved by me, specifically commercial and derivative rights. If you are interested in commercial and/or derivative rights, contact me.

If you enjoy this novel, a signed, limited edition hardcover is available from Subterranean Press. Read the details here. Order from Subterranean Press. 10% of every purchase from the Subterranean Press site benefits the Child’s Play charity. Also available on Amazon and, and other online booksellers. This edition is limited to just 1,500 signed copies. Get them while they last.

Also on sale: Check out my critically-acclaimed debut novel Old Man’s War.

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