


This book took me five years to write - a personal record - and would

not exist without the support and encouragement of a host of friends,

and several friendly editors. Among the many people who read and

commented on the early drafts are: Andrew J. Wilson, Stef Pearson, Gav

Inglis, Andrew Ferguson, Jack Deighton, Jane McKie, Hannu Rajaniemi,

Martin Page, Stephen Christian, Simon Bisson, Paul Fraser, Dave

Clements, Ken MacLeod, Damien Broderick, Damon Sicore, Cory Doctorow,

Emmet O’Brien, Andrew Ducker, Warren Ellis, and Peter Hollo. (If your

name isn’t on this list, blame my memory - my neural prostheses are



I mentioned several friendly editors earlier: I relied on the talented

midwifery of Gardner Dozois, who edited Asimov’s Science Fiction

Magazine at the time, and Sheila Williams, who quietly and diligently

kept the wheels rolling. My agent Caitlin Blasdell had a hand in it

too, and I’d like to thank my editors Ginjer Buchanan at Ace and Tim

Holman at Orbit for their helpful comments and advice.


Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who emailed me to ask when the

book was coming, or who voted for the stories that were shortlisted

for awards. You did a great job of keeping me focused, even during the

periods when the whole project was too daunting to contemplate.


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