AlienPets 15


Recycled by Aliens


If you’ve ever suspected that hostile aliens from another galaxy are among us, then this book is for you.

The last thing Rommie remembered was dying in the hospital. Then she woke up on an alien spaceship with two of them staring down at her. “You’re here to be trained for your new life,” they told her. “Fighting back against invaders from outside the galaxy.”

The aliens who snatched Rommie from her death bed were from an advanced planet in the Milky Way. They traveled the galaxy and recruited fighters from people near death on less advanced planets like Earth that had been invaded but didn’t know it.

Rommie completed intense training and thought she was ready for anything. But she wasn’t prepared for what she found in the place she was sent to fight outer-galaxy aliens – the office building of a large Earth tech company.

Book 1 tells the story of Rommie's abduction to alien training camp and her experiences and interactions there with aliens and other humanoids in training.


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